October is a very busy month for our students! They have celebrated both the Week of Respect, from October 2nd to October 6th, and School Violence Awareness Week, from October 16th through the 20th, with activities organized by their building's Anti-Bullying Specialists. Not content to share their students' commitment to respect and kindness at school, the anti-Bullying Specialists have also planned a district wide event for parents. On October 25, 2017, at 7:00 pm, all parents are invited to Washington Middle School, to attend Harrison's Night with the STARS. STARS stands for Sharing Tolerance Acceptance & Respect. Students from Harrison High School, Washington Middle School and Hamilton Intermediate School will dance, sing and speak words from their heart surrounding the STAR ideals. Artwork will be on display that has been created by our preschool students and the students from Lincoln Elementary School. Please check out the flier below and some photos of our students and their work and please be sure to come out to our Night With the Stars!