Lunch Forms

2024-2025 Application for Free School Meals
2024-2025 Aplicación para comida gratis versión en español

Lunch Notice QR code - English       Lunch Notice QR code - Spanish

Assessment of Policy 8505 - Food Service - Wellness and Nutrition:
As a result of a Committee Meeting on November 15, 2023, the following assessment of the Policy was made:

  1. Update foods of minimal nutritional value to conform to U.S. Dietary Guidelines;
  2. Update Beverage Offerings to conform to U.S. Dietary Guidelines;

Recommendations were sent to the Superintendent.

Click on the link below to view the Superintendent's Letter and MySchoolBucks instructions.

 1. Superintendent's Letter/MySchoolBucks instructions (English)

2. Carta del Superintendente/Instruciones para MySchoolBucks (Español)

3. Free Samples from Time to Time

4. More Price Lists

Click below for MySchoolBucks Announcement.

MySchoolBucks Announcement

Anuncio sobre MySchoolBucks

Click on the image or link below to access MySchoolBucks

My School Bucks


Click here to see the Board of Education of the Harrison Public Schools' NON-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE

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