Click HERE to see photos
from the Harrison Preschool Expo 2024


Harrison Early Childhood Program

3 and 4 year old Preschool and Kindergarten registration is going on now
by appointment only. Please call the Residency office to schedule your appointment
at 973-268-7821 / 973-268-7825.




Early Childhood Anti-Bullying Specialist

Ann Diaco, LCSW
Early Childhood
(973) 833-8500 ext. 7143
[email protected]

Need to Report Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying - Click Here to find all that you need!
Click Here to read the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Policy


Mission Statement

The primary mission of the Early Childhood Department is to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all preschool children.

In support of this mission, the Early Childhood Program does the following:

  • Provides assistance for the achievement of the state Early Childhood Standards through professional development, support of programs, and guidance in the effective use of technology;
  • Provides a health care program which addresses each individual student;
  • Maintains a strong partnership with the community and its resources;
  • Establishes a strong commitment to parents and family support; and
  • Embraces multicultural issues and diversity.
The Harrison School District accomplishes this mission by providing certified personnel in all areas of the Early Childhood Program.

Early Childhood Staff

Director: Valle Pessoa
Assistant Principal:
Kimberly Huaranga

School Nurse: Olivia Lee

EC Facilitators:
Maryann Capobianco, Maria Silva, Anne Marie Zarbetski

PreSchool Social Worker: Ann Diaco

PreSchool Intervention Specialist: Ann Diaco

Speech Pathologist/Early Intervention/PSCD Case Manager: Larissa Canova

Secretary: Vera Da Silva

Fiscal Specialist: Yahaira Torres

EC In-district teachers: Elizabeth Markowski, Nicole Novak, Ashley Jablonsky




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