On Thursday, February 2, 2017 students from Washington Middle School attended, the Path to Leadership Conference, sponsored by the NJ State Elks Association and funded by the Harrison/East Newark Lodge, #2326. Students attended seminars designed to support positive life choices and to encourage service in their community. Following this event, on February 3,4, and 5, 2017, students from Harrison High School's Peer Leadership program attended the NJ State Elks 27th Annual Statewide Leadership Conference. Peer Leaders from Harrison High School have attended this conference annually, for 23 years, due to the efforts of the Harrison/East Newark Lodge #2326, the Harrison Education Foundation, the Harrison Board of Education and the Harrison High School PTSO. Each year students return energized and motivated to give back to their community. This year you will find the Peer Leaders engaged throughout Harrison and East Newark, participating in "Sticker Shock", an awareness campaign designed to increase community awareness of the penalties associated with purchasing alcohol for underage teens. Pictured here are students from Washington Middle School and Harrison High School, along with their chaperones, Mary Anne Dunphy, Mike Di Roma, Brianne McTeigue and Joan McNichol. Also pictured is Harrison/East Newark Elk, Nicholas Landy.