On Sunday, May 7, 2017 students from Harrison High School's Peer Leadership Program and Drama Club participated in the Elks' Annual "Walk Out on Drugs" event. Organized statewide, this event draws attention to the Elks efforts to stem the pernicious tide of substance abuse and the toll that this abuse takes on our communities. Pausing for a brief "photo op" are these energetic and dedicated students, along with Harrison BPOE #2326, Exalted Ruler, Larry Bennett, and fellow Elk, Larry Kelly. Also pictured are Harrison High School's Briana McTeigue, and Joan McNichol, Lincoln School's Donna Oeckel and Washington School student, Ethan Oeckel. Thanks to this group's efforts, 2 additional Harrison High School students will be able to attend the 2018 Elks Statewide Peer Leadership Conference.